Period and date
18de eeuwRemains of an album of patterns for glass windows, from which presumably (as for 0000.GRO3109.II) were chosen the tests to be taken to acquire mastery as a glazier in the Guild of Saint Luke in Bruges. The 32 sheets, previously stitched, bear numbers from 2 to 22, from 58 to 64 and from 66 to 68. The drawings appear older than those in the fuller album, 0000.GRO3109.II, and may have originated from the first years of the 18th century. One of the sheets (f° 68) has the signature of Karel de Stickere and the date 1719, the year in which he became a master; another (f° 4) has the signature of Judocus Friclo and the date 1740, which also corresponds to the year in which he acquired mastery in Bruges. The majority of the sheets bear the guild's coat of arms.
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Period and date
18de eeuw